YuYu Hakusho

do you like my site?or just wanna talk YuYu Hakusho?

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Im Married! Look Who Too...
All About Me!!!!!
The Spirit File's
My Featured Fiction.
YYH Secret's...Shhhhh....
Picture Gallary
Contact Me

Who's Your Fave YYH person and why? Tell me, I wanna know so I can make a new fan site for them so you can go there and have Anime-Obsessive fun! Lol ^^

Full name:
Email address:
Yu Yu Hakusho, Let's Talk About It

If you send me a letter thingy in the message box above, I'll put it on here please sign a name to it or i'll be swarmed with Anaumous people >.< It's gonna look like I sent them to my self. -.-'

Hey, I changed the way I put the messages, so the reply will be eaisier to find. Hope it's more convinent! ^^

You're site's cool good one Kavi. - I think this one's form gaby, though i'm not sure >.<
Thank you so much person who I think might be Gaby ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

You're site's cool good one Kavi. - I think this one's form gaby, though i'm not sure >.<
Thank you so much person who I think might be Gaby ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

I like Kurama and Hiei - Sorry, They diden't leave me a name.
Awesome, but you forgot to say why, lol. -:-Kavi-:-

Can you talk to me more? - Duno who this is.
Sure thing! I'd love to, If I only knew who you we're o.o'' -:-Kavi-:-

My fav is Hiei umm I really don't know why I guess because he is really cool. - Yet another, nameless person.
Lol, yesh he is cool. ^^-:-Kavi-:-

My fav YYH is Kurama because he's, like, always calm, and I just like his hair. - Kim T.
Well you know hes not allllways calm, just usally.
But as for his hair, like Karasu said, he need's
to take better care of it. Hehehe -:-Kavi-:

Hiei because he's hecka cool - Damn people the there no name's >.< - Do I really have to say it?
Yes, yes he is you nameless people... You... -:-Kavi-:-

My fav YYH person is Kurama 'cause he's so HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! - Kim T.
Oooookay then.... Lol, you'd get along with Kitsune. ^^' -:-Kavi-:-

I'm not sure if you got my other messages, but I'm the same girl!I'm Kim. Kurama is
hot!!!!!And he is so totally mine, 'kay? I woulda put a fanfic too, but I don't
know how, but thanks for the picture of Kurama! - Kim T.
You're welcome for the piccy. a new one's commin' right up as well. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

Kim is so back! I forgot to mention that I was the one who sent 3 (maybe, don't remember)
messages about Kurama, just to let ya know. Sorry for the inconvenience and for
forgetting to my name on the message thingy!!! It won't happen again!! - Kim T.
S'all good Kimmy-Kim, thank's for all the message's. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

Dude, I totally love your website. I can't wait for the next picture thingy.
I liked today's one-it's so hilarious. Just to let you know,my friend is so
obsessed with Hiei 'cause he's hot and cocky, so you and her have some competition!
My god, you wouldn't believe the way she acts if you just say his name.I like Kurama,
though. He's gentle and kind for a demon, ya know? But then when he fights, he gets
all serious. Makes him all sexy. Hey, it's true, so shut up! Anyhow,
sayanora! With love, Frances: Kurama's Girl.
Ooooh If someone dare's mention Hiei around me I squeel
with joy and shout "Where?! where be the object of my eternal affection!?"
Lol my friend's look at me like in psycho, but that's ok, because Kavi has
the Hiei ^^ *huggle's plushie* lol anyway's, i'm glad you like my site!
totally cool. ^^ I have the picture I was looking for so I really should
change that lol ima put it up now. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

Guess you and I have some competition, eh? I also love Hiei. He's mine, I tell you,
MINE!!!! - Random apparent Hiei lover.
No comptition, Just fan-Girl obsessiveness. *Shrugs*
sure I'm willing to whoop ass to prove my Jaganshi-Sama love but I also
respect him muchly. ^^ thus so I have dedcated my life to knowing every
thing about him. witch I do, with the aception of his birthdate. ^^' -:-Kavi-:-

God, I feel like a celebrity when I saw my message. But then if my Hiei-loving
friend sees it, I won't be able to talk YYH
anymore. I just saw another picture, and I love it! Thank you, thank you,
THANK YOU so much! Love ya! Peace - Frances
I'm glad you like the pic, it's one of my fave's ^^
I have alot of YYH pic's I'd be happy to share with you, if I weren't
watching my web-space I'd put them up in a gallery sort of thing. ^^'
Anyway's why woulden't you be able to talk YYH anymore? O.o I don't see
a reason for you're friend to get mad at you but that's just me. *shrugs*...
Hehe, I know a celebrity, Fun. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

I finally know how many messages I sent to you. God, I sound like a crazy,
Kurama-obsessed person! I feel so ashamed
(boo-hoo). Thanks a lot for making me oh so famous. But really, Kurama is the
hottest guy (besides Hiei, but too many people like him), and Kurama DOES NOT
need to take better care of it. I like it that way. Anyways, the "Kim" messages
are from ME. Okay, I have to log off now, so later! Love - Kim
Crazed Kurama fan's, no better kind in my opnion lol. ^^
It was nice to get message's from people who share my obsessive love for
YYH hehe. ^^ Much Obsessive Fan-G Love To You All. I'm out as well for
the night. Ja Ne Love's, -:- Kavi -:-

YO, Kavi! Just saw this website, and saw my second message to you.
Ah, seriously, my friend would kill me if she saw the first message,
and that's why I didn't put my last name or her name. But my name isn't
common (at my school,I'm the only Frances, so it's easy to spread a rumor
about me without even using my last name! boo hoo). Oh, and I love that
group pic on the website. The pics get better every time! I seriously can't
wait another freaking second (well, I can, I'm just exaggerating) for the
next pic! Do you see that crazy Kim's messages? She's definitely not as crazy
as my friends, though. Well, gotta go! I'm waiting gor my mom (HI MOOOOOM! LOVE YA!!!).
Ha, ha. Sayanora! Peace- Frances
Sup Frances. ^^
Must suck with the rumor thing, anyone spread's any bad junk 'bout'cha beat'em down.
Then shoulden't bother ya after that. ^^ I'm glad you like the pic. ^-^
There's a new one up now. as well as a new fan-fic. ^^ I out crazy most of the people
I know with my rabid fan-G ness lol.^.^ *Wave's* Hi Frances' Mommy. ^^ Ja Ne to yah. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

Hiya! I just got this website on 7-14-2005 (today), and I saw another message
I sent you. And YES, I'm a crazed, obsessed Kurama fan! It's just I love YYH
a lot. One time, I was watching cable in my uncle's room, and I saw an episode
of YYH without nrealizing it (episode was from volume 4). A year later, I went
to visit a best friend's house, and she had these YYH books, and she said I should
read them, so I did.But then, the characters looked so familiar, and suddenly
memories of that YYH episode came in my head, and I was like "Dude! I just saw an
episode of these series!" and my friend thought I was crazy, freaking out like that.
Well, there's my past of YYH! Daisuki! With love- Kim
Dude, sound's like what happend when I first watched Inuyasha. ^^
Dosen't it suck soooo much they took YYH off cartoon network? My computer is
taking forever to download'em ;-; Ooooh my movie's on, I gotta go. Sayaonara Ja Ne. -:-Kavi-:-

Hello! It's great talkin' to ya. Makes me happy. Dunno why.
OOH MY GOD, I Love today's (7-19-05)pic. Thanks again! Kurama
looks so good in a different form. He's so hot. Aw, crap I have to go, so sorry! - Kim
Because I'm just so specail and I fill you with untold joy?...
Lol j.k ^^ Whoo I'm glad you like the piccy. ^.^ New one's up again. ^^
His diffrent form is called Youko Kurama, friendly tip. ^-^ -:-Kavi-:-

Hey. Um, dude, is it just me and that Kim sending you any messages at all?
Man, I feel so freaking sorry for you.
And yes, it's so easy to spread a rumor about me, but I'll beat the ****
out of that person who did. No one had spread any rumors
about me so far (I'll let you know when a person spreads a rumor about me:
I expect one in high school now).Thanks again for the pic
and fic. Hey, that rhymes! I just realized that! Ha, ha. Anyways, sayanora! - Frances
Pretty much besides the random nameless people whos message's i've stopped putting up.
It's partly my fault for not promoting my site as much as a good web Mistress should.
You're welcome for'em both a new picture is up and I put up an original story as well. ^.^ -:-Kavi-:-

Yo. I love the piccy for today (7-23-05), I totally love it.
I had a hard time looking for your site thing, so yeah. What
happened? On Google, I had to write "Yuyu Hakusho:Hiei, Hiei,
Hiei" after 5 unsuccessful minutes of searching for the freaking site.
And you really should put up a gallery thingy you lazy person you.Now I have to go 'cause of my stupid, freakin' annoyin' li'l sis,
so sayanora! Peace - Frances
Well It's mostly because I'm a lazy 14 year old girl who spend's her
time, rather then working on her fan shrine and her site with her
brother she rps obsessivly on gaia. All I really need to do I think
is modify my promote thingy's. Then again you could just book mark
my site and make it easir on you're self. Now I just re-added my
site to google so It should show up if you just type in "Yu Yu Hakusho Kavi"
^.^.... If you type in "Yusuke Kavi" you get two link's to my brother and my
other site... mawuah... ^^'' And I know I should put up a gallery but as I
said It's my 14 year old floridian gene taking over. ^^''-:-Kavi-:-

Hi, Kavi. I'm so sad today (7-24-05). I missed yesterday's pic. Besides Frances,
I also got confused looking for your site.
Well, at least I got to see today's pic. Oh, and you're not the only 14 year old
teen being lazy. How can Frances blame us for our lazy genes? I mean, in summer
school now, I've gotten lazy in math. For some reason, in school, when a school
break comes close, I suddenly get lazy on work and just read YYH books or write
YYH fics or write Inu-Yasha fics. Hm, dunno why. I'm just like that. I'm willing
to bet Frances is going to criticize us both for being so lazy. Maybe being
obsessed with YYH causes me to be lazy? Nah, actually, it's probably the genes
because it happens all the time. Whatever. Bye! - Kim
Reply: Lol I love it when people blame me for thing's, I always say
"It's not MY fault I've never learned to acept responcabilty." ^^
Oh and Check the up-date's it's kind of self explainatory for the pic thing.
I don't think it's the YYH that make's us lazy, no way lol. Augh I've been
homeschooled all this year and now in 9th grade I'm being froced to go back
to real friggen school. X.x I'm gonna fail everything because I'll be to busy
with both mine and Yusuke's site's as well as rping and Hiei obsessing
inbetween classes to study. X.x -:-Kavi-:-

Kuwabara's hilarious. Guess he's my favorite YYH person. - >.< -.- Yo.
Reply: Right on ">.< -.- Yo." I can have a Kuwabara pic up next time if you want. ^.^-:-Kavi-:-

Forgot to mention, about the gossip.
I asked the same friend who introduced to YYH that if it's true about Hiei
having a crush on Kurama, and then on Yusuke, and she said it isn't. If you
think I'm blaming you for that gossip, I'm not. I didn't really believe it
anyway (okay, maybe I did a little, so sue me >.<). Well, there you go. But
then, she could be lying... okay, I'm just confusing myself. Later, Kavi, until next time! -Kim
I don't think the Hiei crushin' on Kurama and Yusuke
is true, at all. Though it's been going around
that Hiei and the evil bitch form hell(No no not me for once.)
Mukuro are quite infauated. But as a
HardCore Die hard fan-girl I am obliged to doubt it. -:-Kavi-:-

Whoops, I accidently pressed enter. Whatever. Well now, your site practically
disappeared again (7-24-05)>.< Pisses me off.
I was just browsing around on Google and saw your site. Man,
I didn't get to print out yesterday's pic, dammit. Pisses me off.
Well, I instantly printed out today's, at least. Man, you lazy person,
you. But then, on the bright side, I can finally find your site much easier now.
I wish you could put up a gallery so I won't forget yesterday's pic. Ooh, and
I love your fic. My sis didn't understand it, but I do. Whatever. I have to get off,
so later! - Frances
Like I said, yesterdays Pic is back up and I'm gonna be doing a new thing where I post a new pic
in the pretty box and then the older one just any old place on the front page. ^.^
I'm really glad you liked my fic as well, doom to you're sister for not understanding it lol j/kness. -:-Kavi-:n people the there no name's >.< - Do I really have to say it?
Yes, yes he is you nameless people... You... -:-Kavi-:-

My fav YYH person is Kurama 'cause he's so HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! - Kim T.
Oooookay then.... Lol, you'd get along with Kitsune. ^^' -:-Kavi-:-

I'm not sure if you got my other messages, but I'm the same girl!I'm Kim. Kurama is
hot!!!!!And he is so totally mine, 'kay? I woulda put a fanfic too, but I don't
know how, but thanks for the picture of Kurama! - Kim T.
You're welcome for the piccy. a new one's commin' right up as well. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

Kim is so back! I forgot to mention that I was the one who sent 3 (maybe, don't remember)
messages about Kurama, just to let ya know. Sorry for the inconvenience and for
forgetting to my name on the message thingy!!! It won't happen again!! - Kim T.
S'all good Kimmy-Kim, thank's for all the message's. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

Dude, I totally love your website. I can't wait for the next picture thingy.
I liked today's one-it's so hilarious. Just to let you know,my friend is so
obsessed with Hiei 'cause he's hot and cocky, so you and her have some competition!
My god, you wouldn't believe the way she acts if you just say his name.I like Kurama,
though. He's gentle and kind for a demon, ya know? But then when he fights, he gets
all serious. Makes him all sexy. Hey, it's true, so shut up! Anyhow,
sayanora! With love, Frances: Kurama's Girl.
Ooooh If someone dare's mention Hiei around me I squeel
with joy and shout "Where?! where be the object of my eternal affection!?"
Lol my friend's look at me like in psycho, but that's ok, because Kavi has
the Hiei ^^ *huggle's plushie* lol anyway's, i'm glad you like my site!
totally cool. ^^ I have the picture I was looking for so I really should
change that lol ima put it up now. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

Guess you and I have some competition, eh? I also love Hiei. He's mine, I tell you,
MINE!!!! - Random apparent Hiei lover.
No comptition, Just fan-Girl obsessiveness. *Shrugs*
sure I'm willing to whoop ass to prove my Jaganshi-Sama love but I also
respect him muchly. ^^ thus so I have dedcated my life to knowing every
thing about him. witch I do, with the aception of his birthdate. ^^' -:-Kavi-:-

God, I feel like a celebrity when I saw my message. But then if my Hiei-loving
friend sees it, I won't be able to talk YYH
anymore. I just saw another picture, and I love it! Thank you, thank you,
THANK YOU so much! Love ya! Peace - Frances
I'm glad you like the pic, it's one of my fave's ^^
I have alot of YYH pic's I'd be happy to share with you, if I weren't
watching my web-space I'd put them up in a gallery sort of thing. ^^'
Anyway's why woulden't you be able to talk YYH anymore? O.o I don't see
a reason for you're friend to get mad at you but that's just me. *shrugs*...
Hehe, I know a celebrity, Fun. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

I finally know how many messages I sent to you. God, I sound like a crazy,
Kurama-obsessed person! I feel so ashamed
(boo-hoo). Thanks a lot for making me oh so famous. But really, Kurama is the
hottest guy (besides Hiei, but too many people like him), and Kurama DOES NOT
need to take better care of it. I like it that way. Anyways, the "Kim" messages
are from ME. Okay, I have to log off now, so later! Love - Kim
Crazed Kurama fan's, no better kind in my opnion lol. ^^
It was nice to get message's from people who share my obsessive love for
YYH hehe. ^^ Much Obsessive Fan-G Love To You All. I'm out as well for
the night. Ja Ne Love's, -:- Kavi -:-

YO, Kavi! Just saw this website, and saw my second message to you.
Ah, seriously, my friend would kill me if she saw the first message,
and that's why I didn't put my last name or her name. But my name isn't
common (at my school,I'm the only Frances, so it's easy to spread a rumor
about me without even using my last name! boo hoo). Oh, and I love that
group pic on the website. The pics get better every time! I seriously can't
wait another freaking second (well, I can, I'm just exaggerating) for the
next pic! Do you see that crazy Kim's messages? She's definitely not as crazy
as my friends, though. Well, gotta go! I'm waiting gor my mom (HI MOOOOOM! LOVE YA!!!).
Ha, ha. Sayanora! Peace- Frances
Sup Frances. ^^
Must suck with the rumor thing, anyone spread's any bad junk 'bout'cha beat'em down.
Then shoulden't bother ya after that. ^^ I'm glad you like the pic. ^-^
There's a new one up now. as well as a new fan-fic. ^^ I out crazy most of the people
I know with my rabid fan-G ness lol.^.^ *Wave's* Hi Frances' Mommy. ^^ Ja Ne to yah. ^^ -:-Kavi-:-

Hiya! I just got this website on 7-14-2005 (today), and I saw another message
I sent you. And YES, I'm a crazed, obsessed Kurama fan! It's just I love YYH
a lot. One time, I was watching cable in my uncle's room, and I saw an episode
of YYH without nrealizing it (episode was from volume 4). A year later, I went
to visit a best friend's house, and she had these YYH books, and she said I should
read them, so I did.But then, the characters looked so familiar, and suddenly
memories of that YYH episode came in my head, and I was like "Dude! I just saw an
episode of these series!" and my friend thought I was crazy, freaking out like that.
Well, there's my past of YYH! Daisuki! With love- Kim
Dude, sound's like what happend when I first watched Inuyasha. ^^
Dosen't it suck soooo much they took YYH off cartoon network? My computer is
taking forever to download'em ;-; Ooooh my movie's on, I gotta go. Sayaonara Ja Ne. -:-Kavi-:-

Hello! It's great talkin' to ya. Makes me happy. Dunno why.
OOH MY GOD, I Love today's (7-19-05)pic. Thanks again! Kurama
looks so good in a different form. He's so hot. Aw, crap I have to go, so sorry! - Kim
Because I'm just so specail and I fill you with untold joy?...
Lol j.k ^^ Whoo I'm glad you like the piccy. ^.^ New one's up again. ^^
His diffrent form is called Youko Kurama, friendly tip. ^-^ -:-Kavi-:-

Hey. Um, dude, is it just me and that Kim sending you any messages at all?
Man, I feel so freaking sorry for you.
And yes, it's so easy to spread a rumor about me, but I'll beat the ****
out of that person who did. No one had spread any rumors
about me so far (I'll let you know when a person spreads a rumor about me:
I expect one in high school now).Thanks again for the pic
and fic. Hey, that rhymes! I just realized that! Ha, ha. Anyways, sayanora! - Frances
Pretty much besides the random nameless people whos message's i've stopped putting up.
It's partly my fault for not promoting my site as much as a good web Mistress should.
You're welcome for'em both a new picture is up and I put up an original story as well. ^.^ -:-Kavi-:-

Yo. I love the piccy for today (7-23-05), I totally love it.
I had a hard time looking for your site thing, so yeah. What
happened? On Google, I had to write "Yuyu Hakusho:Hiei, Hiei,
Hiei" after 5 unsuccessful minutes of searching for the freaking site.
And you really should put up a gallery thingy you lazy person you.
Now I have to go 'cause of my stupid, freakin' annoyin' li'l sis,
so sayanora! Peace - Frances
Well It's mostly because I'm a lazy 14 year old girl who spend's her
time, rather then working on her fan shrine and her site with her
brother she rps obsessivly on gaia. All I really need to do I think
is modify my promote thingy's. Then again you could just book mark
my site and make it easir on you're self. Now I just re-added my
site to google so It should show up if you just type in "Yu Yu Hakusho Kavi"
^.^.... If you type in "Yusuke Kavi" you get two link's to my brother and my
other site... mawuah... ^^'' And I know I should put up a gallery but as I
said It's my 14 year old floridian gene taking over. ^^''-:-Kavi-:-

Hi, Kavi. I'm so sad today (7-24-05). I missed yesterday's pic. Besides Frances,
I also got confused looking for your site.
Well, at least I got to see today's pic. Oh, and you're not the only 14 year old
teen being lazy. How can Frances blame us for our lazy genes? I mean, in summer
school now, I've gotten lazy in math. For some reason, in school, when a school
break comes close, I suddenly get lazy on work and just read YYH books or write
YYH fics or write Inu-Yasha fics. Hm, dunno why. I'm just like that. I'm willing
to bet Frances is going to criticize us both for being so lazy. Maybe being
obsessed with YYH causes me to be lazy? Nah, actually, it's probably the genes
because it happens all the time. Whatever. Bye! - Kim
Reply: Lol I love it when people blame me for thing's, I always say
"It's not MY fault I've never learned to acept responcabilty." ^^
Oh and Check the up-date's it's kind of self explainatory for the pic thing.
I don't think it's the YYH that make's us lazy, no way lol. Augh I've been
homeschooled all this year and now in 9th grade I'm being froced to go back
to real friggen school. X.x I'm gonna fail everything because I'll be to busy
with both mine and Yusuke's site's as well as rping and Hiei obsessing
inbetween classes to study. X.x -:-Kavi-:-

Kuwabara's hilarious. Guess he's my favorite YYH person. - >.< -.- Yo.
Reply: Right on ">.< -.- Yo." I can have a Kuwabara pic up next time if you want. ^.^-:-Kavi-:-

Forgot to mention, about the gossip.
I asked the same friend who introduced to YYH that if it's true about Hiei
having a crush on Kurama, and then on Yusuke, and she said it isn't. If you
think I'm blaming you for that gossip, I'm not. I didn't really believe it
anyway (okay, maybe I did a little, so sue me >.<). Well, there you go. But
then, she could be lying... okay, I'm just confusing myself. Later, Kavi, until next time! -Kim
I don't think the Hiei crushin' on Kurama and Yusuke
is true, at all. Though it's been going around
that Hiei and the evil bitch form hell(No no not me for once.)
Mukuro are quite infauated. But as a
HardCore Die hard fan-girl I am obliged to doubt it. -:-Kavi-:-

Whoops, I accidently pressed enter. Whatever. Well now, your site practically
disappeared again (7-24-05)>.< Pisses me off.
I was just browsing around on Google and saw your site. Man,
I didn't get to print out yesterday's pic, dammit. Pisses me off.
Well, I instantly printed out today's, at least. Man, you lazy person,
you. But then, on the bright side, I can finally find your site much easier now.
I wish you could put up a gallery so I won't forget yesterday's pic. Ooh, and
I love your fic. My sis didn't understand it, but I do. Whatever. I have to get off,
so later! - Frances
Like I said, yesterdays Pic is back up and
I'm gonna be doing a new thing where I post a new pic
in the pretty box and then the older one just any
old place on the front page. ^.^
I'm really glad you liked my fic as well, doom to
you're sister for not understanding it lol j/kness. -:-Kavi-:-

-looks around- Yay~! -points to the mascot- Look it's me~! <3 -
Yay! Momo's here!! It's a real party now! Whoo! ^.^
Every-people's this, is my site mascot and great friend Momo-Chan!

YYH Quote Of The Month:

Hiei : "Do you think it is possible for you to shut up?"

Inu Quote Of The Month:
Inu: *imatating kagome*"Im going home stupid!"
Kaede: inuyasha...that was a poor imatation.
Inu: *anime falls off fence*